Discover a remarkably effective, easy-to-learn system of acupuncture with immediate and lasting results. This video series features 60 movies of high-quality, close-up digital footage from Susan Johnson’s courses, demonstrating point location and needling technique for the most powerful point patterns in Master Tung’s acupuncture system.
With her characteristic clarity and precision, Susan teaches this simple but potent system, sharing methods she’s perfected in more than 35 years as an acupuncturist and instructor. Watching this video series is like attending the demonstration portion of Susan’s seminars—and as her students know, she packs every demo with a wealth of essential information.
With extremely detailed explanation and visual cues, Susan makes point location easy and fun. The videos are easy to access via the Tung’s Points Online Learning Platform, with user-friendly navigation and a chapter for each point pattern. This is an irreplaceable companion for the Master Tung’s acupuncture books.
The series also includes bonus demos of special procedures, including a unique and potent application of moxa.
Access to this video series is not time-limited.
This is the digital version of Susan’s Point Location and Needling Technique DVD.