Ancient Art of Cupping
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This seminar is divided into 5 videos. Each video is carefully indexed to allow you to jump to any section of the video (learn more).
- Cupping Worksheet Questions
- Cupping Brochure
- Cupping Patterns
- Art of Cupping article
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Video Contents
- Headache. Beside Three Miles 77.22-77.23
- Cyclic Headaches add Return to Nest 11.06 & Gynecological Points 11.24, Wood Anger Pt’s 11.17
- Chronic or Depleted Headaches - Add Shen Guan 77.18
- “Empty” Headache - Tonify Shen Guan 77.18
- Ling Gu 22.05
- Da Bai 22.04 with San Cha Three A.04
- Severe Headache with Nausea - bleed Tai Yang
- Bleeding corner of eyebrow - for Shingles in eye
- Returns to bleeding of Tai Yang
- DT04 Five Mountain Range bleeding
- Chuan Xiong Xiao Yao Gan Cao Tang “The Bugs” San Pian Tang
- Dang Gui Jin
- Dr. Yang’s Tx of Migraines - Golden Gate 66.05
- Temporal and Tai Yang areas - Beside 3 Miles 77.22-77.23
- GB 31 Wind Market 88.25 for whole head
- Three Weights 77.05-77.07
- Ci Bai A.06
- Four Flower Upper & Middle 77.08-77.09
- Four Flower Outer 77.14
- Four Flower Line 77.08-77.14 - bleeding + discussion about bleeding in general,
how to see a blood vessel, needle gauges re: avoiding painful needling - Wu Zhu Yu Tang
- Zhen Wu Tang
- Occipital Headaches
- Correct Tendons
- Can bleed UB 40
- Shu Gu/UB 65
- Frontal Headache + how to differentiate excess from deficiency
- SP4/66.11 Fire Chrysanthemum
- Can be needled with SP9-77.17 or with Shen Guan 77.18
- Fire Tiger 1-3/11.27.1-3
- Four Flower Middle & Upper
- Zhong Wan/REN12
- Can Bleed ST channel + discussion of how to catch blood
- Ling Gu/22.05 Dizziness HBP or LBP
- Can add LI11
- Five Mtn. Range/DT.04
- Huo Ying/66.03
- Tong Guan, Tong Shan, Tong Tian 88.01-88.03 = Heart Passing Points
- HBP - Bleed finger tips
- Meniere’s Disease
- Three Yellows 88.12, 88.13, 88.14 - Can also use Ling Gu 22.05 if nausea + vomiting - PC6 + LI11 or LI4/22.05 Ling Gu
- Ban Xia Bai Zhu Tian Ma Tang with Er Chen Tang and Lycii and Chrysanthemum Di Huang
- Epley Maneuver
- Shen Guan 77.18
- Bleed 3 Weights 77.05-77.07
- Returns to discussing Shen Guan 77.18
- Mental Confusion
- Prefrontal Scalp Points
- GV 20 + UB 7
- Bleed Three Weights 77.05-77.07 or Needle Three Emperors 77.18-77.21 + Discussion of various locations of SP6 from which to choose
- Meningitis - If no ER- bleed Three Weights 77.05-77.07 or Four Flower Outer 77.14, or needle Correct Tendons 77.01-77.02
- Brain Tumor
- Correct Tendons 77.01-77.02, Upper Tumor Pt. 55.06 a.k.a. Three Stove Bottom or two point pattern variations
- Bleed UB 40 3 Weights 77.05-77.07 4 Flower Outer
- Uses of Outer 3 Gates - Discussion of uses of Outer 3 Gates 77.27 for various tumors and for brain tumors
- Same Points for Cranial Swelling
- ST40 77.14 area bleeding
- Eye Diseases
- Bleed Tai Tang
- Bleed ear apex
- For styes - in eyes-Ling Gu 22.05
- Bleed Ear Back 99.08, or Tai Yang area
- Conjunctivitis or congested eyes - Four Horses 88.17-88.19
- Can bleed back of ear or Tai Yang
- Story about LU5 bleeding for red Sclera
- Internal Injury to eye - can bleed Tai Yang
- Concussion - might bleed Five Mtn. Range DT04
- Chronic Eye Issues - needle Shen Guan 77.18 with 77.28 Eye Bright or K7, Two or Three Emperors
- Chronic Eye Problems - GB20 + 77.18-77.21 Two or Three Emperors + 77.28 Eye Bright
- 55.02 Flower Bone One - Glaucoma, Cataracts, etc.
- Dry Eyes - 10.17 Wood Anger Points - bilaterally - Two or Three Emperors
- Discussion of Low Blood Pressure and ST36
- High Blood Pressure = Kidney deficiency, use Kidney points on SP channel
(e.g. Two or Three Emperors)
- + Seven Flower Formula story - Sarah Liners
- Dr. Rouse Naturals - - Blurred Vision - 88.12 Bright Yellow + K7/77.28 Bright Eyes
- Bleed ear apex
- Good to add 77.18 Shen Guan - Astigmatism - 22.06 Zhong Bai + Two Emperors
- Deviation of Eyes
- Or 55.02 Flower Bone One + Two or Three Emperors + GB 20 + GB 37 - Supra Orbital Pain - If deficient, use - SP4 + SP9 or 77.18 Shen Guan
- Cataracts - Get a corrective lens
- 11.17 Wood Anger Points for tearing, dry eyes, hand eczema, psoriasis, emotions w/ Three Emperors or Three Weights
- Eye Tic, Twitch - Beside Three Miles - 77.22, 77.23
- Digression about electric stim on magnets and needles
- Shen Guan
- GB 31 with K7 or Man Emperor
- SI3 (same side) as guiding Pt.
- Shao Yan Gan Cao Tang
- Tian Ma Gao Tang Yin - Mentions “Marvelous Formula for Allergies” - Yu Ping Feng San + Gui Zhi Tang
- Glaucoma - 55.02 Flower Bone One
- Excess type - add 77.08/.09 Four Flower Upper & Middle
- Deficient type - add Three Emperors + GB20 + GB37
- LV2, LV3 = Three Emperors
- Can bleed Tai Yang or Ear Apex - Che Qian Cao – herba plantaginis
- Near Sighted - Bleed Tai Yang
- Two Emperors (with 77.28) - Macular Degeneration digression
- Resumes talking of bleeding Tai Yang
- Story of man with eye herpes
- Including KHT bleeding tip of middle finger - Resumes Near Sighted
- Invigorate Blood, remove stagnation
- Che Qian Zi, Ju Ming Zi, Tu Si Zi, Dan Shen. Tao Ren, Hong Hua - Far Sighted
- Ling Gu Bai Zhu Tang (Fu Ling, Gui Zhi, Gan Cao, Bai Zhu)
- herbs to remove dampness & phlegm, move blood + Che Qian Zi,
Zhu Ming Zi, Tu Si Zi, Yuan Zhi, Shi Chang Pu
- TW 17 + Extra Pt.
- LI 14-15
- LI11
- 55.02 Flower Bone One +GB 37, GB 20
- Bleed Tai Yang - Night Blindness - A.07 Ye Mang
- Usual Eye Tx. Pts - Floaters - many floaters are a sign of detaching retina
- Same eye points (55.02 FB1) + A.04 San Cha Three, ST43, SP4 - Heavy Eyelids - A.04 San Cha Three + ST43
- Diseases of the Nose - 88.17-88.19 Four Horses
- Sinusitis - Four Gates with LI20
- LV3 = Xiao Yao San, LI4 = Ge Cen Tang - Sinusitis Continued
- ST36 + LI11 + LI20
- GB31 - Dry Sinus - 88.17 – 88.19 Four Horses + A.04 San Cha Three
- 11.17 Wood Anger - Stuffy Nose – Four Horses
- Jian Zhong 44.06
- ST43
- LI10
- 88.01 + 88.03 Heart Passing Points
- 22.04 Da Bai + 66.04 Fire Master (Tung’s LV3) - Brandy Nose - Bleed tip of nose
- Nose Bleeds - 44.06 Jian Zhong
- Itchy Allergies- San Cha Three + Four Horses + LI2
- Gui Zhi Tang + Yu Ping Feng San + Cang Er Z
- Otitis Media - Bleed outside ankle
- Bleed Control Dirt
- San Cha Three, Four Horses, 77.22-077.23 Beside Three Miles - Discussion of bleeding, bleeding children
- Ear Pain - Beside Three Miles
- San Cha Three - Ear Nerve Pain GB31
- Beside Three Miles - bleed - Inner Ear Distension
- Bleed LU5 or sedate LU5
- San Cha Three + 22.06 Zhong Bai - Tinnitus
If Qi Deficient
- A.04 San Cha Three + 22.05 Ling Gu
- GB31
- 88.17-88.19 Four Horses + 22.05 Ling Gu
- SI19
- Formula: Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tong + Ge Gen
If Kidney Deficiency
- 22.06 Zhong Bai + 22.07 Xia Bai = Yi Qi Chong Ming Tang
- SI3 or 22.05 Ling Gu
- GB41, GB42, GB31
- Bleed LU5
- Tonify 88.12 Ming Huang - Sudden Hearing Loss
- 77.18-77.21 Three Emperors + above points for Kidney Deficiency
- 1010.07 All Pivot - DU15-16 area – bleed
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