Diseases and Point Combinations
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- Headache. Beside Three Miles 77.22-77.23
- Cyclic Headaches add Return to Nest 11.06 & Gynecological Points 11.24, Wood Anger Pt’s 11.17
- Chronic or Depleted Headaches - Add Shen Guan 77.18
- “Empty” Headache - Tonify Shen Guan 77.18
- Ling Gu 22.05
- Da Bai 22.04 with San Cha Three A.04
- Severe Headache with Nausea - bleed Tai Yang
- Bleeding corner of eyebrow - for Shingles in eye
- Returns to bleeding of Tai Yang
- DT04 Five Mountain Range bleeding
- Chuan Xiong Xiao Yao Gan Cao Tang “The Bugs” San Pian Tang
- Dang Gui Jin
- Dr. Yang’s Tx of Migraines - Golden Gate 66.05
- Temporal and Tai Yang areas - Beside 3 Miles 77.22-77.23
- GB 31 Wind Market 88.25 for whole head
- Three Weights 77.05-77.07
- Ci Bai A.06
- Four Flower Upper & Middle 77.08-77.09
- Four Flower Outer 77.14
- Four Flower Line 77.08-77.14 - bleeding + discussion about bleeding in general,
how to see a blood vessel, needle gauges re: avoiding painful needling - Wu Zhu Yu Tang
- Zhen Wu Tang
- Occipital Headaches
- Correct Tendons
- Can bleed UB 40
- Shu Gu/UB 65
- Frontal Headache + how to differentiate excess from deficiency
- SP4/66.11 Fire Chrysanthemum
- Can be needled with SP9-77.17 or with Shen Guan 77.18
- Fire Tiger 1-3/11.27.1-3
- Four Flower Middle & Upper
- Zhong Wan/REN12
- Can Bleed ST channel + discussion of how to catch blood
- Ling Gu/22.05 Dizziness HBP or LBP
- Can add LI11
- Five Mtn. Range/DT.04
- Huo Ying/66.03
- Tong Guan, Tong Shan, Tong Tian 88.01-88.03 = Heart Passing Points
- HBP - Bleed finger tips
- Meniere’s Disease
- Three Yellows 88.12, 88.13, 88.14 - Can also use Ling Gu 22.05 if nausea + vomiting - PC6 + LI11 or LI4/22.05 Ling Gu
- Ban Xia Bai Zhu Tian Ma Tang with Er Chen Tang and Lycii and Chrysanthemum Di Huang
- Epley Maneuver
- Shen Guan 77.18
- Bleed 3 Weights 77.05-77.07
- Returns to discussing Shen Guan 77.18
- Mental Confusion
- Prefrontal Scalp Points
- GV 20 + UB 7
- Bleed Three Weights 77.05-77.07 or Needle Three Emperors 77.18-77.21 + Discussion of various locations of SP6 from which to choose
- Meningitis - If no ER- bleed Three Weights 77.05-77.07 or Four Flower Outer 77.14, or needle Correct Tendons 77.01-77.02
- Brain Tumor
- Correct Tendons 77.01-77.02, Upper Tumor Pt. 55.06 a.k.a. Three Stove Bottom or two point pattern variations
- Bleed UB 40 3 Weights 77.05-77.07 4 Flower Outer
- Uses of Outer 3 Gates - Discussion of uses of Outer 3 Gates 77.27 for various tumors and for brain tumors
- Same Points for Cranial Swelling
- ST40 77.14 area bleeding
- Eye Diseases
- Bleed Tai Tang
- Bleed ear apex
- For styes - in eyes-Ling Gu 22.05
- Bleed Ear Back 99.08, or Tai Yang area
- Conjunctivitis or congested eyes - Four Horses 88.17-88.19
- Can bleed back of ear or Tai Yang
- Story about LU5 bleeding for red Sclera
- Internal Injury to eye - can bleed Tai Yang
- Concussion - might bleed Five Mtn. Range DT04
- Chronic Eye Issues - needle Shen Guan 77.18 with 77.28 Eye Bright or K7, Two or Three Emperors
- Chronic Eye Problems - GB20 + 77.18-77.21 Two or Three Emperors + 77.28 Eye Bright
- 55.02 Flower Bone One - Glaucoma, Cataracts, etc.
- Dry Eyes - 10.17 Wood Anger Points - bilaterally - Two or Three Emperors
- Discussion of Low Blood Pressure and ST36
- High Blood Pressure = Kidney deficiency, use Kidney points on SP channel
(e.g. Two or Three Emperors)
- + Seven Flower Formula story - Sarah Liners
- Dr. Rouse Naturals - http://www.themedicineman.com - Blurred Vision - 88.12 Bright Yellow + K7/77.28 Bright Eyes
- Bleed ear apex
- Good to add 77.18 Shen Guan - Astigmatism - 22.06 Zhong Bai + Two Emperors
- Deviation of Eyes
- Or 55.02 Flower Bone One + Two or Three Emperors + GB 20 + GB 37 - Supra Orbital Pain - If deficient, use - SP4 + SP9 or 77.18 Shen Guan
- Cataracts - Get a corrective lens
- 11.17 Wood Anger Points for tearing, dry eyes, hand eczema, psoriasis, emotions w/ Three Emperors or Three Weights
- Eye Tic, Twitch - Beside Three Miles - 77.22, 77.23
- Digression about electric stim on magnets and needles
- Shen Guan
- GB 31 with K7 or Man Emperor
- SI3 (same side) as guiding Pt.
- Shao Yan Gan Cao Tang
- Tian Ma Gao Tang Yin - Mentions “Marvelous Formula for Allergies” - Yu Ping Feng San + Gui Zhi Tang
- Glaucoma - 55.02 Flower Bone One
- Excess type - add 77.08/.09 Four Flower Upper & Middle
- Deficient type - add Three Emperors + GB20 + GB37
- LV2, LV3 = Three Emperors
- Can bleed Tai Yang or Ear Apex - Che Qian Cao – herba plantaginis
- Near Sighted - Bleed Tai Yang
- Two Emperors (with 77.28) - Macular Degeneration digression
- Resumes talking of bleeding Tai Yang
- Story of man with eye herpes
- Including KHT bleeding tip of middle finger - Resumes Near Sighted
- Invigorate Blood, remove stagnation
- Che Qian Zi, Ju Ming Zi, Tu Si Zi, Dan Shen. Tao Ren, Hong Hua - Far Sighted
- Ling Gu Bai Zhu Tang (Fu Ling, Gui Zhi, Gan Cao, Bai Zhu)
- herbs to remove dampness & phlegm, move blood + Che Qian Zi,
Zhu Ming Zi, Tu Si Zi, Yuan Zhi, Shi Chang Pu
- TW 17 + Extra Pt.
- LI 14-15
- LI11
- 55.02 Flower Bone One +GB 37, GB 20
- Bleed Tai Yang - Night Blindness - A.07 Ye Mang
- Usual Eye Tx. Pts - Floaters - many floaters are a sign of detaching retina
- Same eye points (55.02 FB1) + A.04 San Cha Three, ST43, SP4 - Heavy Eyelids - A.04 San Cha Three + ST43
- Diseases of the Nose - 88.17-88.19 Four Horses
- Sinusitis - Four Gates with LI20
- LV3 = Xiao Yao San, LI4 = Ge Cen Tang - Sinusitis Continued
- ST36 + LI11 + LI20
- GB31 - Dry Sinus - 88.17 – 88.19 Four Horses + A.04 San Cha Three
- 11.17 Wood Anger - Stuffy Nose – Four Horses
- Jian Zhong 44.06
- ST43
- LI10
- 88.01 + 88.03 Heart Passing Points
- 22.04 Da Bai + 66.04 Fire Master (Tung’s LV3) - Brandy Nose - Bleed tip of nose
- Nose Bleeds - 44.06 Jian Zhong
- Itchy Allergies- San Cha Three + Four Horses + LI2
- Gui Zhi Tang + Yu Ping Feng San + Cang Er Z
- Otitis Media - Bleed outside ankle
- Bleed Control Dirt
- San Cha Three, Four Horses, 77.22-077.23 Beside Three Miles - Discussion of bleeding, bleeding children
- Ear Pain - Beside Three Miles
- San Cha Three - Ear Nerve Pain GB31
- Beside Three Miles - bleed - Inner Ear Distension
- Bleed LU5 or sedate LU5
- San Cha Three + 22.06 Zhong Bai - Tinnitus
If Qi Deficient
- A.04 San Cha Three + 22.05 Ling Gu
- GB31
- 88.17-88.19 Four Horses + 22.05 Ling Gu
- SI19
- Formula: Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tong + Ge Gen
If Kidney Deficiency
- 22.06 Zhong Bai + 22.07 Xia Bai = Yi Qi Chong Ming Tang
- SI3 or 22.05 Ling Gu
- GB41, GB42, GB31
- Bleed LU5
- Tonify 88.12 Ming Huang - Sudden Hearing Loss
- 77.18-77.21 Three Emperors + above points for Kidney Deficiency
- 1010.07 All Pivot - DU15-16 area – bleed
- Mouth, Tongue & Diseases of the Teeth - ALL mouth, think SP9
- Mandible Pain/TMJ - LV2 or LV3 + ST41 (especially arthritic)
- Bleed Tai Yang and Ear Apex or LU5
- Facial/Jaw Cupping
- Du Huo Ji Sheng Wan -remove Niu Xi and Du Zhong
Adding Jian Huang + Ge Gen + Mu Gua
- Deal with the anger and depression, first
- Needle ST43, LV3, SJ5 - all bilaterally - Bells Palsy/Deviated Mouth
- ST36, ST37-77.08/77.09 Four Flower Upper & Middle
- Bleed inside cheek along white line where teeth join
- 77.05-77.07 Three Weights (opp. Side) - Aphasia
- 44.06 Jian Zhong + ST5 + 1010.19/1010.20 Water Gold/Through - Sub Lingual Swelling
- 77.22/77.23 Beside Three Miles
- Or bleed under Tongue or Ear Apex - Mouth Ulcers
- Bleed Four Flower line
- Or Bleed 77.15/77.16 Two Lips
- Edgar Cayce’s IPSAB tincture - excellent - Mouth Tumors
- Bleed Tai Yang, LU5 or ST channel/Four Flower Line
- Drink Bamboo Leaf - Tooth Ache
- Upper Teeth - ST44, ST36
- Lower Teeth -LI3, LI4, 22.05/22.04 Ling Gu/Da Bai
- Roots of the teeth - KD3
- Gum Issues/Gum Pain… - 77.22/77.23 Beside 3 Miles, 22.05 Ling Gu
- Bleed top of foot, ST40
- ST41-ST44
- Gums Bleeding -22.04 Da Bai/22.07 Xia Bai
- Er Xing Tang 10 Shi Gao with I Xi Xin (10:1), gargle, do not swallow
- Qing Wei San for tooth abscess - No taste after surgery (or COVID) - SP4
- Q&A 1 Start
- What is severe near sightedness
- About Sjogren’s Syndrome…
- Stuffy Nose
- Repeat upper & lower teeth Pt’s
- Statement by Martin - SJ wants a question (to clarify)
- How long for COVID Vertigo?
- How many treatments for Benign Postural vertigo?
- Meniere’s Disease
- Does it matter if fingertips are warm or cold for glaucoma?
- Facial Diseases
- Facial Paralysis
- Shao Yao Gan Cao Tang
- Bleed 77.08/77.09 Four Flower Upper & Middle
- 77.05-77.07 Three Weights
- GB31
- 77.22/77.23 Beside 3 Miles
- 88.17-88.19 Four Horses - Discussion about “Two GB lines”
- 11.14 Finger Three Layers
- Bleed white line inside of cheek
- Bleed Ear Apex - Case of man with bony growth on jaw corner
- LI4 or 22.05 Ling Gu
- REN24
- Gui Zhi Tang + Ge Gen Tang + Qian Zheng San
- Wu Yao Shun Qi Tang - If face is numb
- Bleed 77.05-77.07 Three Weights
- Needle 77.22/77.23 Beside 3 Miles (or bleed)
- 77.08/.09 Four Flower Middle & Upper
- Bleed any vessels in ST channel area (same side) - Story of email about hard time letting go of TCM to use Tung’s Pt’s
- Face Pain - 77.05-77.07 Three Weights
- Facial Twitches or Tics
- 22.04 Da Bai or LI3 (Wood Pt.)
- 77.22/77.23 Beside 3 Miles
- 88.25/GB31
- 88.17-88.19 Four Horses
- SI3 = guiding Pt. - Bell’s Palsy & moxa - moxa the area/moxa Heat Packs
- Formula for Facial Paralysis
- Shao Yao Gan Cao Tang
- Shun Feng Yin Qi San - Pain in Cheek Bones
- 77.22/77.23 Beside Three Miles
- 77.05-77.07 Three Weights (Trigeminal Neuralgia)
- Guiding Points = 22.08/22.09 Wrist Prosperous 1 and 2, aka SI3
- Gentle Cupping - 3 pumps, one cup at a time, check for improvement between cups
- 77.22/77.23 Beside Three Miles + 66.06/66.07 Mu Dou Mu Liu - Mu Do and Mu Liu also used (opposite side) for Neuromas
- Returns to Trigeminal Neuralgia
- 77.22/77.23 Beside Three Miles + 66.06/66.07 Mu Dou/Mu Liu
- 22.04 Da Bai + 22.08/.09 Wrist Prosperous
- If chronic- add 77.18 Shen Guan
- Can bleed Tai Yang
- San Pian Tang – toxic bugs formula for severe pain - Can add 1.5 Cun of Scorpion to cautiously to other treatments
- Fish Bone Stuck in Throat - 77.24/77.25 Leg Five Gold Leg Thousand Gold
- 10 cun Wai Ling Sin + 5 cun Shan Zha with brown sugar, sipped slowly
- Anything for throat
- Also for goiter, hyperthyroid, throat cancer - Sore Throat
- LI1, LU11 - Bleed
- Pinch skin up at sore throat area and bleed – VT.01 Nine Moths
- LU10/22.11 + A.04 San Cha Three
- LV3 + L14 (Four Gates, Tung’s Version)
- Bleed 99.08 Ear Back
- Bleed 1010.07 All Pivot GV15/16 Area
- VT.01 Nine Moths
- Eat fried egg in sesame oil
- Neck Diseases
- Goiter
- 88.17-19 Four Horses
- Bleed 77.05-77.07 Three Weights or 77.24/77.25 Leg 5 - 1000 Gold
If bulging eyeballs from hyperthyroid -88.17-88.19 Four Horses
- Xiao Yao San + Zhen Yi Tang + Tian Hua Fen, Zhi Mu, Xia Ku Cao, Mu Li
If related to hypothyroid – 77.18-77.21 Three Emperors
- Zhen Wu Tang
- Shen Qi Mai Wei Di Huang Wan
- Miriam 10 Needles + 77.18 Shen Guan
- ML10, If excess on top - sedate top points first, then tonify bottom points - Talks of hyperthyroid/hypothyroid
- Hypothyroid with menstrual spotting
- Add-11.06 Return to Nest + 11.24 Gyn
- Hyperthyroid- 11.17 Wood Anger added - Neck Rashes
- 44.06 Jian Zhong
- 88.17-88.19 Four Horses
- Bleed Ear Apex - Stiff Neck
- Correct Tendons
- Cup Neck
- CV24 Cheng Jiang
- 22.01/22.02 Double Son, Double Fairy - Neck Bone Spurs
- S13+UB65 (also good for whole back spasms)
- +GB31 (88.25 in Tung’s)
- +Rotate GV26 and CV24, both painful
- bleeding UB40 (any veins in popliteal crease) is best! - Back to Stiff Neck
- Neck Cannot Rotate/Can’t Bend Forward & Back
- Neck Cannot Rotate - SI3
- Can’t Bend Forward & Back - UB65 - Parotitis (Mumps)
- Bleed Ear Apex
- Bleed ST40 area
- Bleed 77.05-77.07 Three Weights
- Sedate SJ17 (opp. side)
- Formula: Pu Ji Xiao Du Yin - Scrofula
- Bleed 77.05-77.07 Three Weights
- + needle UB36, UB54 - Shoulder & Neck Pain (too much computer time)
- 77.18 Shen Guan + 22.01/22.02 Double Son, Double Fairy-opp. side
- 77.18 Shen Guan + 77.08 Four Flower Upper- opposite
If arthritic - ST31
- Upper Limb Disease
- Finger Numbness
- 77.18-77.21 Two Emperors
- 88.25 Middle Nine Miles (GB31) - If Severe Bone Spur in Neck
- Bleed DT05 Double Phoenix
- Talks of how to bleed on back
- SP4, 66.11 Fire Chrysanthemum - If Pulse is Slow
- 66.03/66.04 LV2/LV 3 and/or bleed Jing Well points - If Pain & Numbness due to Arteriosclerosis
- 66.03/66.04 LV2/LV 3
- 66.06/66.07 Mu Dou, Mu Liu - Cervical Bone Spurs
- Bleed UB40 (any vein in popliteal crease) and/or DT05 - Thumb Pain
- 11.27 Five Tiger 1&2
- 66.01 Seal (SP1, on the side) opposite side - For Metacarpal pain
- 22.01/22.02 Double Child, Double Fairy
- 22.11 Tu Shui
- PC6 or SJ5
- Also can use 77.22/77.23 Beside Three Miles/GB34 - Index Finger Pain
- 11.27 Five Tiger 1 on opposite side
- + Trigger Finger - 77.09 Four Flower Middle - same side
- + SJ5 Wai Guan - Every Joint in Pain
- Multiple Joints - e.g. Rheumatoid Arthritis
- 88.01-88.03 Heart Passing Points
- 33.12 Heart Gate
- 11.27 Five Tigers - But if Only One Joint
– Or symptom of repetitive motion
- Stomach channel points can also be used on same side (Four Flower line)
- SJ5- can be used to treat any of the fingers - Soreness of the Hand/Spasm
- 77.22/77.23 Beside Three Miles + PC6 opp. side
Or Spasm:
- 33.07 Huo Fu Hai
- 33.06 Huo Shan
- 33.05 Huo Ling
- 77.22/77.23 Beside Three Miles
- Bleed or sedate LU5 (good for any kind of tendon spasm)
- Tonify 77.18 Shen Guan + Sedate LU5
- 22.01/22.02 Double Son, Double Fairy/LU10 - Forearm or Finger Pain - SJ5 Wai Guan
- Forearm Spasm
- 33.05 Fire Mound + 33.06 Fire Mountain - Palm, Finger and Hand Pain - PC8, LU10
- Middle Finger Numbness
- 88.01-88.03 Heart Passing Points
- PC6 Nei Guan
- SJ5 Wai Guan - Middle and Ring Finger
- 66.06-66.07 Mu Dou/ Mu Liu - All Finger Joints
- 11.27 Five Tigers + SJ5 Wai Guan
- 33.13 Man Scholar - Hand Pain + Difficulty Grasping
- Massage painful “bean” at LI11 tendon attachment
- 77.22/77.23 Beside Three Miles
- 22.01/22.02 Double Child/Double Fairy
- 77.18 Shen Guan
- 66.03/66.04 LV2 + LV3 if arms weak
If elder with shaky hands:
-77.18-77.21 Two or Three Emperors (+Yin Tang + GV20)
-If legs shaky - do 3 Emperors - If all Fingers in Pain
- 77.18 Shen Guan eliminates acid build up in body - If Extreme Muscle Weakness - Flower Bone 2
- Tendonitis in Wrist
(LI area affecting thumb & index finger)
- 11.27 Five Tiger One + 77.22/77.23 Beside Three Miles (opp. side)
- 77.22/77.23 Beside 3Three Miles + SJ5 (opp. side)
- + SI3 as guiding Pt.
(also good for carpal tunnel)
If Pain on SI side of wrist:
- SI4 on opp. side + SI3 on same side
LI area pain from Writing too Much:
- add LI5 (opp. side)
For thumb:
- LV3 + SP4 (but Five Tiger 1 = bottom)
- Bleed LU11 - Tennis Elbow
- LI side -LI10 + LI11 (opp. side) Tung’s 33.07
- + 22.05 Ling Gu or 22.04 Da Bai = Guiding Point - If Pain is San Jiao Area
- 77.22/77.23 Beside Three Miles
- GB31 + GB32 - Golfer’s Elbow
- 33.12 Heart Gate (opp. side)
- + SI3 as good Guiding Point - Discussion of Heart Gate & active Qi moving technique
- Anterior Elbow (LU5 area) - UB40 opp. side
- Upper Arm and Shoulder Pain
- 77.18 Shen Guan
- 44.06 Jian Zhong needle or cupping
- 77.22/77.23 Beside Three Miles
- GB31 opp. Side - Shoulder Pain
- 77.18 Shen Guan
- 44.06 Jian Zhong
- GB31
- 22.01/22.02 Double Child, Double Fairy
- 77.27 Wai San Guan (if assoc. with cancer)
- Gui Zhi Tang + Ge Gen Tang, add Chai Hu b/c shoulder pain = Gallbladder - Front of Shoulder - Spleen or Stomach channel
- ST31
- 88.09-88.11 Kidney Passing Pts. - Frozen Shoulder
- first cup whole area
- exercise - walk fingers up wall
- 77.18 Shen Guan with LI3 = if still can’t raise arm
- 77.24/77.25 Leg 5-1000 Gold with SJ3/22.06 Zhong Bai
If can’t put arm behind their back
- 77.08/77.09 Four Flower - same side = If cannot raise arm in front
- + A.04 San Cha Three or 22.06 Zhong Bai, Guiding Points
- Bleed LU5 (same side) or needle LU5 opposite side
- 44.06 Shoulder Triangle opposite side
Formulas for Frozen Shoulder Treatments:
- Juan Bi Tang or Gui Zhi + Ge Gan Tang
If Frozen Shoulder on Left:
- Add Dang Gui
On Right:
- Add Huang Qi
- Can add Ji Xue Tang or Lu Han Cao, Sang Zhi - Discussion about Two Spicy Formula
- Shi Gao + Xi Xin 10:1 ratio - Acromium
- 77.18 Shen Guan
- 22.01 Double Child
- 88.09-88.11 Passing Kidney Pts.
- 88.25-88.27 Middle, Upper & Lower Nine Miles - Discussion about 88.25
- 88.25 Nine Miles/GB 31 - Breast Cancer
- After surgery- arm swollen from lymph node removal
- GB31 + GB32 + LU5 (opp. Side) - Answers questions
- Lower Limb Diseases
- Sciatica
Lumbar 5/Sacral 1 = UB Channel Sciatica
Lumbar 4/5 = GB Channel
Lumbar 3/4 - Front of Thigh = SP/ST Channel Sciatica
- 22.05 Ling Gu + 22.04 Da Bai for opp. Leg
- 1010.22 Bi Yi - opp. side for sciatica, exhaustion and severe pain
If UB Channel
- Start with SI3
- Then 22.05 Ling Gu/22.04 Da Bai + cup hip joint (patient on side)
- + UB 65 - on painful side as guiding point, can do while cupping
If GB Channel
- SI3 Hou Xi + Ling Gu/Da Bai + 22.06/.07 Zhong Bai/Xia Bai + GB 41 = GB Guiding Pt.
+ cup hip joint (cupping)
- Bleed UB 40 Same side, if severe
If also groin pain
- Problem is hip joint, add 33.12 Heart Gate - opposite side
- DT.08/DT.09 - very stubborn GB Channel Sciatica - bleed
- Cup UB36, also GB29, GB30, UB54 areas
If UB36 + UB13 = very painful = may be Lung cancer
- Esp. if pain comes right back
- 33.08, 33.09 Arm Five Gold, Arm Thousand Gold
- If both UB & GB Channel Sciatica - add 22.06/22.07 Zhong Bai/Xia Bai
- A.03 San Cha Two
- Bu Yang Huang Hu Tang, Du Huo Ji Sheng Wan
- Zhen Wu Tang + Gui Zhi -if cold type Sciatica - Skips Bone Spurs
“Already talked enough about”
Then goes on to discuss “the need to rest with bone spurs”
- If lumbar/sacral area Formula: Du Huo Ji Sheng Wan
- If Cervical – Formula: Kang Gu Zeng Sheng Pian
- Heel & Knee Spurs -completely different treatment
Restates Bone Spur Treatment = SI3, UB65, GB31
- Add GV26 or CV24, alternating, if cervical spurs
- Bright Yellow - 88.12 = specific for bone spurs
- So can be used with GB31
Knee Spur -77.08/77.09 Four Flower Middle & Upper
LV3 = Guide Pt.
- PC6 with the other points or by itself - Thigh Pain
- A.04 San Cha Three
- DT.07 Three Gold (also for knee) - bleed - Discuss DT.07 for Degenerative Knee Pain
- DT.09 Gold Forest
- 88.25-88.26 Middle, Upper & Lower Nine Miles (opp. Side)
- GB31+GB32 (opp. Side) - Hip Pain
- Shao Yang/Greater Trochanter Hip Pain
- 22.05 Ling Gu + 22.04 Da Bai + 77.05-77.07 Three Weights - opp. side
- Add GB31 or GB41 (same side) as a Guiding Point - Foot Cramps & Leg Pain
- A.06 Ci Bai (opp. side)
- Cal/Mag., Taurine, Xiao Yao Gan Cao Tang, sour foods
- 33.11 Gan Men (tendon treats tendon) - Heel Pain
- 22.05 Ling Gu + 11.27 Five Tiger 3, 4, 5 with UB 65 as Guiding Pt.
- UB 40 bleed (any veins in popliteal crease)
Heel Pain continued Formula (comes after #9 in recording):
- Liu Wei Di Huang Wan + Wai Ling Xin (Clemetis)
Add extra super baked Shu Di Huang + Chuan Niu Xi - For Plantar Fasciitis
- Correct Tendons (opp. side)
- Orthotics - not molded by stepping into mold - Sore Feet
- A.o6 Ci Bai, also good for “accelerator pedal foot” - Discussion of bleeding causing "insult to body
which leads to tissue healing".
- Sometimes bleeds bottom of foot
- Bleed DT.08 Gold Forest or UB40 (any veins in popliteal crease) - Weak Legs
- 1010.20/1010.19 Water Gold, Water Through
Also for weak, painful LB, premature ejaculation, cough, incontinence
- 44.06 Jian Zhong
- ST 7 - Leg Numbness
- Tonify Qi
- 88.17-88.19 Four Horses
- 44.06 Jian Zhong - Discussion of “why is it there?” (causes for numbness in extremities)
- Toe Numbness
- 77.18-77.21 Three Emperors
- 11.27 Five Tiger 3, 4, 5
- Bleed DT08 Gold Forest
- Ah Shi Pt. just below lateral scapular spine = bleed - Legs Cold and Painful
- 11.10 Mu Huo
- Moxa at DU4, UB23, Ren4-8
- 88.25 GB 31
- 44.06 Jian Zhong
- 88.01-88.03 Heart Passing Points - Knee Pain (again)
- PC6 (opp. Side) with LV3 as Guiding Pt.
- 33.12 Heart Gate
- LV3 or LV2 - Back of Knee Pain
- If Baker’s Cyst - Moxa heat packs
- 66.09 Water Curve - Ankle Pain
- A.05 Xiao Jie
Sprained Ankle
- Can bleed ankle to drain fluids
- 77.09 Four Flower Middle, bleed or needle
- 11.27.4 Five Tiger 4
- Bleed UB 40
- External application of red bean paste and/or Gardenia seed.
Make a paste of powder mixed with egg white - Gout Caused Foot Pain
“I sent you an herbal formula”
- Story of how M. Lee gave her the formula
- 10 caps TID
- Never use it for elders in wintertime - Arthritis in the Legs
- GB31, GB32
- 44.06 Jian Zhong
- A.04 San Cha Three with 22.05 Ling Gu - Drop Foot
- 11.10 Mu Huo
- 44.06 Jian Zhong
- 88.25 GB31
Two important exercises
- Walk backwards down a hall holding the walls
- Rising on toes in a warm therapy pool
- Chest & Abdominal Diseases
- Costal Pain
- 88.17-88.19 Four Horses, opposite side
- Bleed 77.08-77.14 Four Flower line - Pleuritis
- 88.17-88.19 Four Horses
- 77.22/77.23 Beside Three Miles
- GB34 with SJ3 - Lower Abdominal Pain
- 22.05 Ling Gu
- SJ 5
- PC6
- 66.05 Golden Gate/Tung’s ST43 opposite side - How to: Abdominal Palpation
- Umbilical pulse - treat with ST43, SP4, PC6 - Intercostal Pain
- 88.17-88.19 Four Horses
- GB34
- SJ6
- GB41, same side as Guiding Point - Short discussion about Guiding Points
- Shingles
- Bleed Ear Apex (for head or rib shingles)
- Bleed Four Flower line, esp. ST40
- Mentions formulas (in handouts) - Breast Pain
- 77.05-77.07 Three Weights
- Add Wood Anger - if they’re angry
- Prescribe Xiao Yao San - if angry and it’s cyclic
- 11.06 Return to Nest with 11.24 Gyn Pts. - if premenstrual - Chest Oppression
- 33.06 Fire Mountain, 33.07 Fire Mound
with 77.09 Four Flower Middle and 77.14 Four Flower Outer (ST40)
ST40 - Bleed if a vessel is apparent
- Old Doctors Two Old Needles = PC6 + ST36
- PC6 with 66.04/LV3 and 66.03 LV2 - Pain Around Navel
- 22.06 Zhong Bai with 22.07 Xia Bai - Chest Contusion (eg. hitting steering wheel)
- 88.17-88.19 Four Horses
- PC6
- 22.01 + 22.02 Double Son, Double Fairy
If very severe
- Bleed Four Flower line
- 88.28 Jie – “Release” a.k.a. ST34 the Xi Cleft Point - Ren Channel Pain
- KD3 - In front of tendon - Chest Pain Involving Back
- 22.01/22.02 Double Child/Double Fairy
- 88.17-88.19 Four Horses
- 77.18 Shen Guan
- 22.03 Shang Bai - Pain Behind The Heart
- 22.06 Zhong Bai
- Cupping Thoracic Spine Area (Thoracic 5-7) - Waist and Lower Back
- Back Pain on One Side of Body
- 22.01/22.02 Double Child/Double Fairy - opposite side - Back Pain on One Side – 22.01/22.02 Double Child/Double Fairy - opposite side
Back Pain on Both Sides - 22.01/22.02 Double Child/Double Fairy, bilaterally - Discussion of 22.01 Double Child - Upper back
- 22.02 Double Fairy - neck
- 88.17-88.19 Four Horses
- 88.11 Tong Bei
- UB57 with cupping along spine
- Bleed UB40 - Lower Back - For Lumbar 5/Sacral 1 hinge area
- 1010.25 State Waters
Formula: Du Huo Ji Sheng Wan
- Bi Yi - unilateral, opposite side - Kidney Deficient Lumbar Pain
- 1010.19/.20 Water Gold/Water Through
- 22.06 Zhong Bai
- 22.08 Wrist Prosperous I&II (SI3)
- 1010.13/1010.14 Ma Jin Shui/Ma Kuai Shui - Sudden Lumbar Pain - e.g. twisted back
- 11.12 Er Jiao Ming - Sudden Lumbar Sprain - use 11.12 Er Jiao Ming
or 1010.19 Water Through with 1010.13 Ma Jing Shui
- Bleed UB40 or cup the lumbar area
- 77.01/77.02 Correct Tendons will help if doing if you are already
doing them for the neck. After lying face down one hour for
Correct Tendons - turn the patient over and let lie on back with bolster
under knees, may also needle KD3 for about ten minutes if the lower back
is hurting from face down position - Muscle Spasm of entire Spine -GV26 Ren Zhong with UB60 or GV26 with SI3
- SI3 and UB65 (add Cupping of Spine)
- Bleed UB40 Then needle SI3, UB65
- UB60 is best for the spine
- LI4 with LV3 and 77.18-77.21 Two Emperors, back pain from stress - Scoliosis
- 88.12-88.14 Three Yellows with GV26 Ren Zhong and LI11
- Cupping
- Can add UB60
- Moxa UB20 Pi Shu and UB18 Gan Shu
26. Tail Bone/Coccyx Pain - 33.12 Heart Gate bilaterally
- Coccyx broken in delivery more than one year ago, add Cupping
at Sacral/Coccyx intersection
- How to diagnose old injury
- Or Heart Gate plus Flower Bone Three and Four
- Answers questions about # of needles… used in a treatment
and whether to use more than one Dao Ma combination.
- Combining Tung’s with textbook acupuncture. - How long are treatments? - How to prioritize what to treat
- Taking history & building trust - Fire Mound & Chest Oppression
- Breast Pain treatments - What was tonifying tonic for headaches? - Dang Gui Gin
- What is recommended for (COVID) long haulers & brain fog?
- 88.17-88.19 Four Horses with A.04 San Cha Three
- Add Prefrontal Scalp Points
- Add 77.18 Shen Guan - What to do for Covid loss of smell? - LI20 toward Yin Tang
- 88.17-88.19 Four Horses with A.04 San Cha Three
- 33.16 Curve Mound (Tung’s LU5) - Treatment Options are ok - “but you have to read your patient!”
E.g. Use of Gout Formula - cold herbs
Again talks about learning the Points before adding textbook points - Points for blocked sublingual… salivary glands? - 77.22/77.23 Beside 3 Miles
- Bleed under tongue or Bleed Ear Apex - Why is Shen Guan not good for… Low Blood Pressure?
Because it tonifies Kidney Yin, so better to use ST 36
(could maybe use 77.18 Shen Guan with ML10 needles) - Can you use Correct Tendons… with local neck needling? “No!”
- For local treatment use cups or Gua Sha - Is DT05 helpful for neuropathy from chemo? Susan uses treatment (acup. & herbs)
after studying the chemo agents. Learn what side effects to expect.
Be prepared. - Shoulder & Neck Pain Protocol… from too much screentime
- 22.01/22.02 Double Son, Double Fairy
- 77.01/77.02 Correct Tendons - About location of “bean” at the elbow… - SJ re-describes it
- Dark circles & puffiness under eyes… - Adrenal support problem
- Question about bIack pepper…, turmeric, & golden milk
- Tian Ma Gou Tong Yin for Facial Paralysis?… = is ok, but formula SJ gave
in class is better. - “Write to me” for copy of ALS treatment… Email response to student
- “Yes” 77.18 Shen Guan lowers blood pressure… not SP8”
- Points for front of thigh sciatica?… - 22.05 Ling Gu/22.04 Da Bai
with 66.05 Golden Gate (St 43) = Guiding Pt. - Plantar Fasciitis?… Dorsum foot pain not = Plantar Fasciitis
- story of UB infection - Ciprofloxicin toxicity - dorsum foot pain
- story of neuropathy patient- acupuncture on opposite foot
with Gua Sha with oil and thumb, on the bad foot, then switch feet - Can you make the Gout formula from granules?…
- Talked more about cautions with elders and this formula,
especially in winter - Arthritis in legs, asked to Repeat?… –“Go back and listen - too many
options were mentioned.”
Plus some more -eg.-11.09 Heart Knee Points - Blood Clots in Lung?… Patient is already on blood thinners
- Is it Covid related? - John Chen’s Formula adding 10c.Yu Xing Cao
- Herb books - various listed
- Had Covid like symptoms. Used that formula - Hypothyroid = Hashimoto’s Disease?… “Yes” -88.17-88.19 Four Horses
- Alternate Miriam Lee Ten Needles
- A,.04 San Cha Three
- Moxa ok, DU4, Ren4-8, below navel
- Heart Disease - 88.01-88.03 Heart Passing Points
- Caution to elderly or weak patients
- Needling Heart Passing Points
- Old Doctor’s Two Old Needles = PC6 + ST36
(ST36 good needling depth discussion) - How to treat Angina and preventing heart attack
- 77.08/77.09 Four Flower Upper & Middle
- Headaches, Epilepsy discussion - treating excess or deficiency
- Tonifying Source Qi - needle in muscle (ST36) away from the bone
- If chronic issues: to access kidney level, needle toward the bone
- If chronic disease: look to Luo channels
Chronic problem:
- If Yang Channel problem = SP or KD Yang deficiency
- If Yin Channels = LV or KD Yin deficiency
- Towards end of life = Yin or Yang is a Kidney problem
- Qi level - shows on Lung or Skin
- Blood level = Liver & Kidney - Dr. Yang gave example of elderly female patient w/S.O.B. + Heart disease
- ST36 + PC6, bleeding LU5 + 77.08-77.14 Four Flower line - alternating every 10 days
- Occasional Heart Passing Points
- Talks about bleeding LU5 for Heart or Lung - Swelling Below the Heart effecting chest (Stomach distension)
Can alternate three treatments:
- 33.12 Heart Gate
- 88.01-88.02 Tong Guan, Tong Shan
- ST36 + PC6 - Tachycardia - A.04 San Cha Three
- 33.12 Heart Gate
- 88.01, 88.03 Tong Guan, Tong Tian
- HT7 Shen Men (“maybe”) - stabilizes mental
- Formula: Ku Shen can be added to Zhi Gan Cao Tang
- 11.19 Heart Normal
- 11.05 Zhong Jian
- 99.08 Ear Apex - bleed - Myocardial Infarction (Heart attack, emergency situation)
- 55.01 Fire Bag - Bleed
- PC6
- 66.03/66.04 LV 2&3
- LU5 - Bleed
Real Angina - 77.08-77.14 Four Flower line - Bleed or deep needle - Discussion on Bleeding - LU5 and Four Flower Line
- “In this category we are going to keep talking about the same points” i.e. ST channel
- Bleed 77.08-77.14 Four Flower line
- 88.01-88.03 Heart Passing Points
- PC6 Nei Guan
- ST36 - Bleed or deep needle
- LU5 - Bleed - Can also bleed UB43 Gao Huang Shu and UB15 Xin Shu
- Rheumatic Heart Disease Discussion - cannot reverse
- Both Sides Heart Pain - Bleed 4 Flower Line (Arteriosclerosis)
- Myocarditis “Herb options in your handout” e.g. Zhi Gan Cao Tang
- Sheng Mai San
- Needle same points - Yang Collapse “Mostly herbal formulas” - Sheng Mai San
- Zheng Wu Tang
- Sheng Fu Long Gu Mu Li Tang
- Liver/Gall Bladder Disease
- Hepatitis - 88.12-88.14 Three Yellows
- With 11.20 Wood Inflammation - Don’t use 11.17 Wood Anger with 11.20 Wood Inflammation
- Difference in treating Liver Qi Congestion vs. Liver Organ Disease - Discussion of 88.12-88.14 Three Yellows or Two Yellows with 77.18 Shen Guan
- Discussion of Polycystic Liver and Kidney Disease - Liver Disease (including Cirrhosis) - cup UB18 Gan Shu,
UB19 Dan Shu, UB20 Pi Shu - Continues Neuropathy from Chemotherapy - treatment is to Cup Toxin Area
- Continues with Liver Disease can add 33.11 Liver Gate and 33.10 Intestine Gate
- Cirrhosis - can bleed and cup UB18, UB19, UB20
- Needle 88.12-88.14 Three Yellows with 11.20 Wood Inflammation and
33.11 Liver Gate, also SI4 Wang Gu (great point for Liver issues)
- 66.06/66.07 Mu Do, Mu Liu also used for liver and blood diseases
though less powerful - Cholecystitis - 88.14 This Yellow, 88.15 Fire Branch and 88.16 Fire All
- Can also add 1010.18/Mu Zhi/ST7
- Formula in notes or Li Da Pian, milk thistle - Discusses herbs, walnuts for gall stones
- Lung Diseases
- Xiao Qing Long Tang
- Xiao Chai Hu Tang
- Jie Geng and Shi Gao - Emphysema - treated like Asthma with 88.17-88.19 Four Horses,
A.04 San Cha Three and 1010.19/1010.20 Water Gold, Water Through
- Good for any kind of cough
- Asthma, emphysema, pneumonia, etc. - “Typical severe asthma” - use 88.17-88.19 Four Horses
With 1010.19/1010.20 Water Gold, Water Through and A.04 San Cha Three - Allergic Asthma - add LI20 (Susan’s version,
from laugh lines toward Yin Tang)
- To 4 Horses + Water Gold, Water Through + San Cha 3 - Pneumonia - 22.01/22.02 Double Son, Double Fairy or 22.11/LU10
- Can Bleed 22.04 Da Bai if vessel present (not done much)
- Water Gold, Water Through with Four Horses and San Cha Three
- 33.16 Curve Mound/LU5
- Miriam’s 10 Needles with LU5
- Miriam Lee story about Moxa pots - Bronchitis & Cough -101.19/1010.20 Water Gold, Water Through
- Xiao Qing Long Tang = for cold Phlegm
- Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang = for hot phlegm
- Zhi Sou San for lingering cough, add Shen He Cao - if coughing blood - Tuberculosis - Mung Bean Soup
- Eat more garlic with ginger and vinegar
- See formulas in handout
- 88.17-88.19 Four Horses
- Bleed Four Flower line (stomach channel)
- 33.16 Curve Mound/LU5
- 22.11 Tu Shui/LU10 - Asthma - Cup Ding Chuan (next to DU14)
- LU5 - Bleed or deep needle
- Four Horses
- Water Gold, Water Through
- 22.05/22.04 Ling Gu, Da Bai
- Bleed Four Flower Line
- Can Bleed & Cup UB42, UB43
- Can also bleed GV14 - Severe but Chronic Asthma
- Can bleed every 1-2 weeks from list of points
- Needle at least weekly
- Formula: Xiao Qing Long Tang - especially good in winter
- Miriam’s Ten needles with deep insertion at ST36
- If Thighs are cold along with asthma - Moxa SP10
- If chin is green, LU and KD deficient - 1010.19/1010.20
Water Gold and Water Through
- 88.17-88.19 Four Horses
- If chin is red, heat - deep needle at ST36 (50-60mm)
- Any kind of cough, not able to receive Lung Qi, needle or bleed LU5 - If KD energy is weak - breathing is long and labored
If KD energy is okay but LU is weak, qi unable to descend, there is fast panting
- Spleen and Stomach Diseases
- Splenomegaly - 11.18 Spleen Edema (Pi Zhong)
- Discussion of needling palmar finger points
Can also add Tung’s points for blood diseases
- 77.05-77.07 Three Weights
- 66.06/66.07 Mu Dou, Mu Liu
- 88.12-88.14 Three Yellows - Stomach Disease - Bleed Four Flower Line
- Discussion about bleeding Four Flower line
- After can needle 88.01 Tong Guan/ 88.02 Tong Shan - Discussion about 88.01-88.03 Heart Passing Points and their uses for ST disease
- PC6, ST36
- Discussion of PC6 - for motion sickness - tape Ginger to PC6 and eat dry mango
- PC6 for knee
- ST43, ST36
- SP4, PC6 - Stomach Ulcers
- Discussion of “Cold Ulcer” Formula:
Huang Qi Jian Zheng Tang with Fu Zi vs Gui Zhi)
- ST34
- Chronic, bleed Four Flower line or bleed ST41-43 area
- Needle 88.01 Tong Guan, 88.02 Tong Shan
- DON’T needle shallow ST36, increases stomach acid
- 77.18 Shen Guan or 77.17 SP9/Heaven Emperor, decreases stomach acid
- SP4 with PC6, add Ren 12 (discussion of why to needle deep here)
Formula Wei Te Ling for “Hot” Ulcer, check for Heliobacter pylori bacteria - Story about patient with hot flashes who had pale tongue with teethmarks
- Used Golden Book Tea (hot) with Fu Zi and Rou Gui in it (Fu Gui Di Huang) - Excess Stomach Acid - Wood Ear white fungus herb
- Low Stomach Acid - Wu Mei herb or Betaine HCI - Duodenal Ulcer - same treatment as Stomach Ulcer
- I.e.: SP4 with PC6, add deep needle at Ren 12 Zhong Wan - Summertime ST Upset = damp Heat problem
- Formula is in notes Ban Xia Xi Xin Tang - Vomiting - heat or nervous type - Bleed 1010.07 All Pivot (DU15-16) with PC6
- For Paralytic Colon after surgery, then needle ST34, SP4, PC6 to get bowel sounds
- Also chemotherapy and any other vomiting, except Morning Sickness - Nausea with vomiting and Dry Heaves - P5 or PC6 = dry heaves, sound w/o vomit
- Hiccups - 77.17 SP9 (maybe with 77.18 Shen Guan - He-Sea Point descends ST Qi
- 77.18 Shen Guan with 1010.19/1010.20 Water Gold, Water Through
- Formula: Zuo Jin Wan, add Hai Piao Siao - ST Pain after Chemotherapy Formula: Six Gentlemen/ Xiang Sha Liu Jun Zi
- Needle-LU5, LU10 with ST34 for acute stomach pain - ST Reflux - SP9 with Shen Guan
- SP4 with ST34
- 88.03 Passing Heaven with 88.10 Passing Back
- Aloe Vera Juice
If Reflux is from over exercising - Bleed 1010.07 All Pivot (DU15-16) - Fullness in the Stomach - ST43/66.05 Golden Gate
- Four Flower line - Poor Appetite - Ling Gu with ST36
or - Ling Gu with ST43/66.05 Golden Gate
Cook and Smell Cilantro (especially in pregnancy)
Cook, smell but don’t drink Huo Xiang and Ju Hong (tangerine skin) - Discussion of Hyperemesis in pregnancy due to protein deficiency
“Eat a bacon cheeseburger from a drive-through!”
- Answers Questions - avoid Levothyroxin
- Bilateral ST43 for GERD? - no-not bilateral
- Clarify points for Eustachian Tube dysfunction?
- Epley maneuver for vertigo
- Ankylosing’s Spondylitis - bamboo cupping of the whole spine - Discussion of Ankylosing‘s Spondylitis
- For facial paralysis “No local needling”
- Neuropathy in feet? Must diagnose why first - Then you’ll Know how to treat
- In this case - Five Tigers points - Treating Neuropathy from Diabetic vs. Idiopathic Neuropathy
- Start with Three Emperors
- Cup toxin areas
Have to diagnose
- organic acid test from Great Plains Labs (GPL)
- GPL Tox panel
- GPL Myco (mold) panel - “Just beginning to treat a patient with Retinitis Pigmentosa with Flower Bone One”
GB37 with GB20? – “Yes and add Two Emperors to that” - Question about needle retention times
- Question about scheduling patients
- “I often add Yin Tang and Ear Points for stress reduction?” - “That’s fine”
Then SJ adds some Yin Tang information - “How do you work with kids?” Gives good pointers and strategies
- Also of working with needle phobic adults - Good treatment for Pulmonary Embolism? - 88.17-88.19 Four Horses San Cha Three?
- Yes and Bleed LU5 and maybe Moxa at blood clot site behind patient’s knees - Did you get angry? That led to Bladder infection? “Yes!” there is a connection
- I tried Four Horses on myself for Fibromyalgia - did I overdo it?
- Advice about 00 Seirin needles, diet elimination of wheat, dairy, etc. - “Heart Muscle Inflammation?” - Rotate 88.17-88.19 Four Horses/A.04 San Cha Three
with 88.01-88.03 Heart Passing Points, may add PC6 - Blood Vessel behind Shen Men
- Three Yellows for Alcoholism? Absolutely, with Ear needles or seeds
- Points or Herbs for Loose Stool following Gallbladder removal?
anything binding eg. Wachter’s Sea Cleanse
avoid all fats, add Bile Salts
GB formula, Li Dan Pian, also loosens stools - Any risk of breaking down (Gall Stones) leading to a rupture
“NO” it’s a very slow process
- Use Jin Qin Cao (Lysmachia) with Li Dan Pian - When treating Goiter - needle 77.24/ 77.25 bilaterally? – “Yes”
Is adding Four Horses too much? Yes, definitely, “use one or the other” - Patient currently pregnant with a clotting disorder?
We can treat prenatal diabetes, soothe her spirit - MD’s are scaring her
- Prefrontal scalp points
- Bioflavonoids with added Rutin, add 11.17 Wood Anger
- Figure what is missing from her diet - use food chart from Adele Davis’ book
Let’s Have Healthy Children - About needling PC6 - talks about magnets and electricity on PC6/PC7
for Carpal Tunnel - needling - if has a “zing” it’s not a problem - Regarding an Ulcer - needling Ren 12 there is no problem or won’t get an infection
Also ST25, do problem with infection, ever - How do you avoid puncturing the organ? “You do puncture the hollow organ”
This is for “Hollow organs” vs. “Solid organs” - e.g., don’t needle GB21
- Don’t poke a kidney, liver or lung, etc. - Treating Chronic Constipation. Use Triphala, Magnesium Oxide, Citrate and/or Malate
TX: 33.01-33.03, left side only.
Optionally add, SJ6, KD6, ST25
Usually uses Diet, herbs rather than acupuncture - Bleeding for Migraines,
Genital Herpes, 77.15/.16 Two Lips - bleed
- Kidney and Urinary Bladder
- Nephritis - Two good choices are 88.09-88.11 Kidney Passing Points
or 77,18-77,21 Two or Three Emperors
22.08 Wrist Prosperous (and SI3 if no edema)
22.06/.07 Zhong Bai/Xia Bai - acting as SI3
44.17 Water Healing - bleed - Kidney Stones
“Drink a lot of water and hold the Bladder a little longer” to flush out stones
Stop eating spinach and other oxalates, greatest cause of most stone (oxalic)
1010.13/.14 Ma Jin Shui and Ma Kwai Shui
If stone is in urethra- add 1010.16 Six Fast
If burning urine due to anger- add 11.17 Wood Anger Points
If making herbal formula- use Chuan Niu Xi
Story about patient who used Mayway Stone Formula
Corn Silk Tea, drink lots of it instead of water, tastes good - Edema - REN9
88.09-88.11 Kidney Passing Points
If Edema = one leg only, caused by Heart, use 88.01-88.03 Heart Passing Points
Formula - Zhen Wu Tang - Urinary Tract Infections- LV2 or LV3
With frequent urination) - hernia points 11.02, 11.03
Formulas - Ba Zheng San
- Long Dan Xie Gan Tang
- Bleed Koryo Hand Therapy - A line, is the best treatment
(especially for Interstitial Cystitis) - Story about her friend with Interstitial Cystitis
- Edema question - use ML 10 needles? - Yes
- Bladder infection? –“lot of options”
- “Shi Gao is a good choice because it’s antiinfection”
- Prostate Enlargement with Difficulty urinating - Needle SP9/Shen Guan
add Sedate ST36 – “will urinate right away”
- With infants - press and release REN3
- 1010.13/.14 Ma Jin Shui, Ma Kuei Shui?
- REN4 (deep needle)
And tell them “will feel energy going down” (to penis or perineum)
Depending on Tongue - if pale with teeth marks, use Golden Book tea.
- If tongue shows heat sign, use cooling formula
- If frequent night urination -Liu Wei Di Huang Wan(unless teeth marks on tongue)
- 77.18-77.21 Three Emperors
- 22.05 Ling Gu
Add Raw Pumpkin Seeds everyday
also Chestnuts, Apples, Bee Pollen are good
Pao d’Arco is a good choice for prostate - Prostatitis (NOT Enlarged Prostate)
- 66.03 LV2 and 66.04 LV3 with 77.18-77.21Three Emperors
With younger adult males, it is a wet heat condition
For urinary tract issue -bleed inside ankle blood vessels- for wet heat conditions - “Different formula for blood in semen - you can check those out”
- For Prostatitis -eat apple, tomato, seaweed, Mu Li and Zinc
- If someone cannot pass urine -Can be kidney failure
- Moxa on naval over salt and ginger - Difficulty Urinating - SP9 with SP6
or - SP9 with ST36
or - 77.18-77.21 Three Emperors
or - 44.06 Jian Zhong
or - 44.11, 44.12 Yun Bai with Li Bai - Bed Wetting - Moxa REN4 to REN8
- Can also moxa kidney points on back – UB23 area
- Rock salt pouch (also for babies not thriving)
- Heated-on REN4-8 with Shen Shu/UB23 - Frequent Urination - 77.18 Shen Guan
- 1010.13/.14 Ma Jin Shui, Ma Kwai Shui
- 101.19/.20 Water Gold, Water Through - Five Types of Turbid Urine - Qi type, Sand or Stone type, Blood type, Turbid with Fever
Type, Thick Turbid
Can use -88.09-88.11 Kidney Passing Points
- 1010.13/.14 Ma Jin Shui, Ma Kuai Shui
- 66.03/66.04 LV2 and LV3
- REN6
Herb - always add Chuan Nui Xi to bring it down - If Blood in Urine - 77.18-77.21 Three Emperors with 66.03/.04 LV2 and LV3
- Urethralgia/Painful Urethra - 66.03/.04 LV2 and LV3 with 22.05 Ling Gu
- 1010.13/.14 Ma Jin Shui, Ma Kuai Shui
also the Hernia Points 11.04, 11.03
- 44.11 and 44.12 are probably not so useful - If urination not smooth - ST36 with SP9 and SP6
- Urinary symptoms - sometimes due to pinched lumbar nerve
If no teeth marks on tongue – formula - Liu Wei Di Huang Wan
If tongue is hot and dry - Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan
- Intestinal Diseases
- Intestinal inflammation - acute or chronic
- LI11 with 66.05 Golden Gate (Tung’s ST43)
- Can bleed LU5
- Can bleed Four Flower line (Stomach channel)
- Can needle 33.10 Intestine Gate - “Couple of different herbal Formulas There” (in handout)
- For intestinal inflammation - black beans and licorice or mung bean soup
- Very good for food poisoning (neutralizes toxins)
- Fu Zi Li Zhong Wan - for chronic cold type diarrhea
- Spleen Deficient
- Kidney
Or - Liver Excess with kidney deficiency - cock’s crow diarrhea - Crohn’s Disease, IBS, intestinal inflammation - 66.05 Golden Gate/ST43, SP4, PC6
Palpate the belly and - use points on opposite side 66.05 - Describes palpating and treatment protocol
- Can think about KD2, UB60, or LI11
- If “cold” presentation - do lots of moxa - Cautions - too much moxa can lead to constipation which then reminds
her of a different kind of constipation - Susan describes diagnosis of a kind of stagnation constipation -
“be careful not to make that worse” - Intestinal bleeding - bleed Four Flower Line (77.08 -77.14)
- 88.04/.05 Sisters One and Two
- LU6
- 33.01-33.03 is her favorite
(also for constipation, hemorrhoids, anal fissures,
Intestinal Bleeding - done unilateral only - Formula: Huang Tu Tang (tells a story of early HIV times and this formula)
- Cautions about charred herbs and charred hair use for intestinal
and other bleeding
- Yun Nan Bai Yao - Distinguish why the Bleeding is happening
It is either Blood Heat or Blood Deficiency
“My go-to” for Intestinal Inflammation is always 66.05/ST43, SP4, PC6 - Hemorrhoids - bleed UB40 is the best treatment
- Can bleed Four Flower Line
- Needle 33.01-33.03 This Door, Corner, Uprightness - Talks methods of Bleeding UB40
Formula: boil fig leaves to use water as a wash
- Use baby wipes and clean anus very thoroughly
- Scrape (Gua Sha) the Sacrum, then bleed any dark spots that arise - Tells story of pregnant woman just after IVF who had severe hemorrhoids.
Dr. Yang said to use Huang Qi with Bai Zhu
Then, needle 33.01-33.03 then bleed one or two
vessels at UB40). Tricky, worked great. - Intestinal hernia 11.01-11.05 Hernia Points
with Moxa Pot or Moxa Heat Pack on the Hernia
- Can Also needle LV1, LV3, SP6
- Can bleed the medial ankle
- Can bleed 55.01 Fire Bag - Appendicitis
- Lan Wei Xue Point -needle deeply
- Bleed Four Flower line (especially Middle and Outer)
“You’ll see a couple of formulas you can use” - Intestinal Cancer - Moxa on ST28, ST30, REN4, REN8, Er Bai
- “Remember those extra points, Er Bai, 4 cun above wrist on Pericardium
channel, and lung channel just radial” Formula: Shen Ling Bai Zhu
Tang, add Ba Zi Liang and Ba Hua Si Zao - Constipation - 33.04 Huo Chuan (Tung’s SJ6)
- Eat dates, figs, prunes - Someone asks about SIBO site - https://stopsibo.com - Shivan Sarna
- “One other issue - relating to Intestinal issues
- “I do either a GI MAP from Diagnostic Solutions Lab
or a Genova Lab’s GI Effects test” - Tells story of her own bloating - used GI Map test - diagnoses of several
bacteria - used Physician’s Elemental Diet from Integrative Therapeutics
- External Genitalia - also see Kidney and UB section
- Orchitis and Testitis - LV1, SP6
- Hernia Points
- Bleed inside ankle area veins
- REN3 or REN4 - deep needle
- Good to add 77.18-77.21 Three Emperors - Herpes - bleed 77.15-77.16 Two Lips
- Seminal Emission/Wet Dreams - Three Emperors is treatment of choice
Formula: Gui Zhi Long Gu Mu Li Tang - Penis Infection or Inflammation - 77.18 - 77.21 Three Emperors
- Can add LV3
- Can needle deeply at REN3 or REN4 - Story of Dr. Ta using REN3, 4 and 6, with Qi Gong-for strengthening
whole body - Impotence and Premature Ejaculation - 77.18-77.21 Three Emperors
- 1010.19/.20 Water Gold/Water Through
- LV1
- SP6, 77.18 Shen Guan + 1010.19/.20Water Gold/Water Through
Formula: Gui Zhi Long Gu Mu Li Tang - “whole bunch of
information in handout-so read those”
- Walking Up on Toes - Exercise, up on toes while urinating,
also clench teeth and don’t talk
- Moxa is terrific on REN and DU channels
Formula: Golden Book or Sexotone Tea
Eat raw garlic
- Gynecology ***all of these will use 11.06 Return to The Nest
and 11.24 Gynecology Points*** - Menstrual Pain - can use ST44. with REN24 - She prefers
11.06 Huan Chao with 11.24 Fu Ke with SP6
Formula Tong Jing Wan/Calm in The Sea of Life
If cramps intensely - Formula is Xiao Yao San, ovulation to Day 2
Then talks about various uses for these formulas
If Heavy/Avalanche bleeding Formula is Gui Pi Wan or Gui Pi Tong
- Also good for spotting and breakthrough bleeding - Uterine Pain - ST43
- 77.18-77.21 Three Emperors
- 88.04- 88.06 Three Sisters is “my number one choice”
- Three Plum Blossom pattern - when fibroids or nonviable fetus
With any/all these, add 11.06 Return to Nest and 11.24 Gyn - Treatment of fibroids
- Moxa at LV1, SP1
- Three Plum Blossom
- But not in week before period when lower abdomen is swollen
- In that case - 88.04-88.06 Three Sisters - Talks about Three Sisters uses (with Return to Nest with Gyn)
- Distinguishes Ovarian from Uterine from Fibroids issues
- Talks about Fibroids
- Blocked Fallopian Tubes - formula: Tong Guan Tang/Open Tubes Formula
- 11.06 Return to Nest and 11.24 Gyn
- With 66.02 Wood Wife (also for Interstitial Cystitis)
Leucorrhea, Vaginal Itching, Vulvodynia
Formula 6-2-5 = 6-Liu Wei Di Huang with 2-Er Xian Tang
with 5-Five Seeds Formula
These three formulas together are good for male or female
infertility - Tells story of infertile couple who used 6-2-5 formula of
Three Formulas - conceived after three months and stopping
marijuana and alcohol use/abuse - Infertility (related to above story) -
11.06 Return to Nest with 11.24 Gyn
With 66.02 Wood Wife and 88.04-88.06 Three Sisters - for female
for the male - 77.18-77.21 Three Emperors and moxa - Little finger shorter than last joint of fourth (ring) fingers
is a sign of infertility - Uterine Tumors and Fibroids - always use 11.06 Return to the Nest
with 11.24 Gyn
- 88.04-88.06 Three Sisters
- Can bleed small veins in area around SP6
Formulas -you can look at the handouts - Leucorrhea - 11.06 Return to the 11.24 Nest with Gyn
- 66.02 Wood Wife
- 88.04-88.06 Three Sisters
- 88.09- 88.11 Passing Kidney Points
- 77.18- 77.21 Three Emperors
There are various formulas in the notes - Vulva Swelling - Return to Nest with Gyn
- 66.04 Tung’s LV3
- 77.21 Tung’s SP6 - Vaginitis - 11.06 Return to Nest with 11.24 Gyn
- 66.01Seal/Tung’s SP1
- 44.11 Yun Bai
- 66.03 LV2 with 66.04 LV3
Wash with Ku Shen and Che Qian Zi - strain seeds out - Dysmenorrhea - 66.02 Wood Wife
- 11.06 Return to Nest and 11.24 Gyn
- 66.05 St43 and ST44
- SP6 with electric
- Return to Nest with strong stimulation - Discussion about Return to Nest - needle technique
- Strong stimulation knocks out menstrual cramps
- Electrical stimulation at SP6 - Difficult Labor - nipple stimulation contracts the uterus
- Fire Bag/55.01 - mainly used for Retained Placenta
- UB67 with Moxa
- 66.01 Tung’s SP1 - To induce labor - tonify LI4, Sedate SP6 with tonify LV3, Sedate K1
She does this with electrical stimulation -red on top black on bottom,
Don’t cross the body
Discussion on this treatment - Story of Miriam Lee collecting Placentas
and how to prepare placenta as medicine
- Strong Astragulus tea, drink 1 quart after delivery - Fibroids with Heavy, Excessive Bleeding -
“Move Blood to Stop the Bleeding” if:
1) “Flooding” bleeding - “Block the Source”
a. Avalanche bleeding = heat syndrome
b. Spotting =deficiency type bleeding
2). Stagnation Bleeding - “Vitalize Blood”
3). Bleeding that Requires Tonification” - Moxa SP1 and LV1 = heavy bleeding (discussion of how to)
- Herbal formulas in handout - Amenorrhea - ST25 with KD5 and REN24
- Story of woman with myoma
- Paralysis due to Stroke (Wind and Phlegm diseases)
- Hemiplegia - if point = fifty to sixty-five years of age, first stroke and
within one year of stroke, prognosis is very good -treat two times per week.
Usually she uses Formula: Bu Yang Huan Wu Tang in the handout
- Motor and sensory lines of skull
- Shoulder and hip - Hemiplegia treatment (continues) talking about scalp points
- DU20 “load up” with needles
- Can bleed Jing Well points
- Mu Huo/11.10 Wood Inflammation- but be careful-this point
raises blood pressure - If difficult to put on treatment table - treat them in a chair or their wheelchair.
Susan often has someone come with the stroke patients to help her help them.
E.g., to help do active qi technique - to help get patient on table
- 1st Scalp points
- 2nd Go on table
- 3rd Needle Mu Huo
- 4th LG/DB for opposite leg- then move that leg (active qi moving)
- 5th GB31, GB32 for opposite arm- then move the arm - Story about “most recent stroke patient”
- Can bleed Five Mountain Range; LU5, UB40 - if blood pressure still high can bleed
ST40 to clear stagnation and Phlegm obstructing the brain - If stroke was five years ago - prognosis not too good
- If stroke was one to five years ago - “work your butt off”
- After five years - probably not much improvement possible - Back to “most recent stroke” story
- Can use 22.01/.02 Double Son/Double Fairy
- 77.18 Shen Guan – “for chronic situations -can gradually increase
Huang Qi dosage - But don’t use too much if high blood pressure
is still an issue
- Seven Flower Formula - Coma - DU26 Ren Zhong
- DU20 - if has oxygen mask, use DU19 plus DU21 threaded thru DU20
- PC6
- LV3 to KD1
Use the formula: Bu Yang Huang Wu Tang use -into feeding tube if at all allowable
- Hua Tou Zai Zao Wan is also a very good long term formula - Stiff tongue - bleed 1010.07 All Pivot (DU15, 16 area)
- Bleed blood vessels under the tongue - Parkinson’s Disease - Open the Four Gates
- Can bleed PC3 over LU5, a bit better
- 88.12-88.14 Three Yellows plus 77.18/77.21 Two Emperors
- Add DU20 - thread DU19 plus DU21, thru DU20 - Parkinson’s patient story
- Hand spasm due to stroke - bleed or sedate - LU5
- GB34
- 22.01/.02 Double Son/Double Fairy
- 22.05/.04 Ling Gu/Da Bai
- TW6
- PC6
- 11.27 Five Tigers
- All points, use the opposite side
- Miscellaneous Diseases
- Fibromyalgia - open the Four Gates
- GB42 = for whole body pain
- 66.06 Mu Liu, 66.07 Mu Dou
- 66.04 Fire Master
- 66.09 Water Curve
- A.04 San Cha Three
- 88.17-88.19 Four Horses with San Cha Three
- 22.05 Ling Gu
- 77.18 Shen Guan or Three Emperors
- GB34
- 77.05-77.07 Three Weights = if there’s numbness - Numbness usually is a Phlegm issue
Formula: Shao Yao Gan Cao Tang - to soften stiff tendons
- Can add Ge Gen, Puerariae - Fibromyalgia - best to downsize needles, start with short treatments
because fibromyalgia patients can be easily triggered
- If cupping - do it gently - one cup at a time for a short time
Let them say when to stop, push them gently only - “I’m going to push real hard” (as compared to Fibromyalgia)
With MS - very important to radically clean up their diet - Discussion about if the MS patient is not willing to change their diet
- Moves into discussion of whether addiction patients willing to change
- Otherwise she sends them elsewhere - not worth her time anymore - Hypertension - no salt, no msg, eat less food
Seven Flower Formula “is amazing” - Talk slower to lower BP formulas - you can look in the notes
- For weight loss - eat slowly
- Eat apples - Point patterns for weight loss SP4, ST34, SI4, REN4
- (Hyper) Cholesterol eat more sour - e.g. vinegar, garlic
Herbal formula in notes
Walk thirty minutes daily
Eat seaweed - or maybe not (radiation)
Wu Mei plums, Lemon
Stay away from sweets, seafood, organ meats
- Evergreen’s Cholisma especially with Niacin - Canker Sores
Discussion about Ipsab - Heritage House
- “100 y.o. Black egg- Century egg” is mentioned in texts
Leads to discussion about egg yolks versus whites - Insomnia
- 77.18- 77.21 Three Emperors plus LV3/LI4 Four Gates
- GB31
- 99.08 Bleed Ear back
- 1010.08 Yin Tang
- Point located between LI3, LI4 With needle tack/pellet
- Corn soup in mornings
- Coffee - coffee brands without mold
- Is “Bullet proof” still mold free - try not to get hooked on coffee or alcohol
Formula - Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang = ”best formula for chronic insomnia” - Urticaria
- A.04 San Cha Three towards H8
- Bleed Ear Apex
- 88.17-88.19 Four Horses - Alcohol Intoxication - Ear Eye Point
- DU25 - bleed without damaging the cartilage
- 66.01 Seal/SP1 on the side - Varicose Veins
- Bioflavonoids plus extra Rutin
- Move Blood, Disperse Phlegm
- Can bleed Spider veins
- Don’t bleed the big ropy veins -use herbs
Formula - Mayway’s Fargelin
Digression about fillers in extracts - Mayway has the least fillers - Teeth Grinding = Phlegm and Heat condition
- Needle 77.11/77.12 Four Flower Lower plus Bowel Intestine
- Make sure the patient does not have parasites
So get a stool analysis – O&P from Quest or Genova - GI Effects or Diagnostic
Solutions Lab - GI Maps - Fatigue
- 1010.22 Bi Yi
- A.04 San Cha Three
- 77.18 - 77.21 Three Emperors - 00:27:21 Skin Allergies
- 88.17-88.19 Four Horses
- 99.08 Bleed back of Ear
Stop eating chicken and Eggs - Psoriasis – notes with Dr. Young’s skin formula
- 88.17-88.19 Four Horses plus A.04 San Cha Three
+ DT.01/.02 Clear toxin area of back for psoriasis on hands - 11.17 Wood Anger Points
- Story of patient with psoriasis on back of neck whose symptoms returned -
Seven star needling on healthy skin
- Boswellia, Omega Six, Ashwaganda
- Diet changes - Acne
- 88.17-88.19 Four Horses plus A.04 San Cha Three
- Bleed DU14
- Can bleed UB13, UB15
- Clean The blood
Any skin disease is about Liver, Lung, and dirty blood - Shingles - topical treatment = realgar plus sulfur with sesame oil, make a paste
- Once The shingles are gone - seven star needle the pink skin where the scab
used to be.
Story of friend with strawberry lip - Itching (Shingles, Poison Oak, etc.)
- Seven star needle and then cup the DT.01/.02 Toxin Area
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